Thursday, September 17, 2009

Off to a Rocky Start...

My plan last night was a simple one: Eat dinner, put the babies to sleep, finish packing, get to bed by 9:30. Unfortunately, even the best laid plans hit some pretty major bumps. As I was heading up to finish packing, my phone rang. Long story short, I was on the phone for a little over an hour, dealing with some drama that I just didn't need. (It's a long story that doesn't even merit more than a mention. The only reason I bring it up is because of the delay it caused for me to go to sleep.) So, I go upstairs, finish packing, and put my stuff in the car. The next thing I know, it is nearly 12:30am.

So, I ask my husband to set the alarm for me for 3am so that I can take a quick shower and hop in the car to JFK airport, about an hour away. It felt like I blinked my eyes, and my husband was trying to wake me up. I figured he was wrong, so I didn't move. I was actually still dreaming. All of a sudden, my door flies open, scaring the heck out of me. It was my mom, to the rescue! "It's 3:27!" I almost had a heart attack. I was supposed to be on the road at 3:30! I jumped into the shower, got dressed and ran out the door as fast as I could.

For some odd reason, I hit traffic. Yes, traffic at four in the morning. I didn't get to the airport until 4:15-- Not bad time, though. It took me about 40 minutes to get there. (Ah, the benefits of having a cop as a husband... I was fully prepared to pull that card if I got pulled over!) I jump out of the car in long term parking and make my way to the Air Train. I get to the ticket line at about 4:25am. I tell this nasty woman that I have a flight at 5:45. she checks her watch, then tells me to get in line. So, I get in line, and I wait...
And wait...

And wait some more.

Finally, at 5:00, I call someone else over and let them know that I have a 5:45am flight. He tells me that the flight is CLOSED. I nearly fainted. Still, he doesn't do anything to make things right. He just lets me stand in line.

And wait...
And wait...

And wait some more.

Finally, I get to the ticket counter and deal with this lovely woman, Cheri, who proceeds to tell me that my entire itinerary was cancelled. I couldn't help it; I started crying. Cheri tries to soothe me, and tells me that I should be able to get on the 7:30 flight. However, I would have to go standby. She gives me my standby ticket, and I set on out to the gate, number 46.

For those of you that have never been to get 46 in Terminal 8 at JFK airport in NY, it is the absolute furthest gate from the front of the airport. I was carrying two bags and walking as fast as I possibly could. Fortunately, I breezed right through security. However, I stopped at the Duty Free shop to purchase a little something for the gate agents. (If you are EVER in a position where you are at the mercy of airline agents, stop in a shop and buy some goodies, like cookies.) I picked up a box of Godiva cookies and a couple of Godiva chocolate bars for just under $20. I went up to the desk at the gate, and the woman was clearly in a foul mood. I told her that I was on standby, and I didn't even get my name out when she barked, "Listen for your name." She didn't even look at me. So, I placed the plastic bag on the desk with the goodies in it and said, "Here is something to brighten your day. Thank you for your help." She was visibly taken aback.

About 15 minutes later, she calls my name (and completely butchers the first part, "CanDEECE"). I gather my things, and see that she noticed me. I walk up to the desk and she smiles and hands me a ticket. She says, "Thank you for the treats. That was so nice of you. I gave you a good seat in the front." I thanked her, grabbed a coffee from Starbucks, then found a seat in the waiting area. They started calling people, and I realized that I only had one ticket... I didn't have one from Miami to Kingston!! So, I gathered my stuff and went to the gate. Another agent was there with her. The original agent thanked me again and told me I could board the plane. I was surprised, as my seat was 7B. I asked her, "Am I on standby for Miami to Kingston, too?" She smiled and checked, then said, "I just put you on the list. You're all set." I thanked her again, then boarded. I started having a panic attack as I walked down the jetway... This is REALLY happening! I'm headed to Jamaica for Dawn and Cody's wedding, and we're about to film! OhymyGod, what did I get myself into?!

I stepped onto the plane, which was virtually empty. The flight attendant looks at me and asked me if I needed to sit down, wanted a drink, etc. I assure her that I would be fine, thanked her, then walked to my seat.... WHICH IS IN BUSINESS CLASS!!! Not only that, it is in the bulkhead. And no one is sitting next to me.

The moral of the story? You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. For a $9.50 box of Godiva cookies and a couple of $4 chocolate bars, I'm flying in style. Rock. Maybe I started off rocky, but it sure seems to be turning into a good day...

Candice Cain is the owner of the Candy Cain Travel Co. She is a Certified Sandals Specialist and a Destination Wedding Expert. Please feel free to email her for help with your destination wedding!

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